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Приёмы джиу-джитсу из книги Эмили Уоттс "Изящное искусство джиу-джитсу" , 1906

Леди-джитсу и Суффраджитсу

Power of Jiu-Jitsu. The illustration by artist L. Daviel (drawn from life) represents a Jiu-Jitsu exhibition by former Bartitsu Club instructor Sadakazu Uyenishi at the Public Schools Gymnasium, Aldershot. 1905
Jiu-jitsu at Aldershot

Training in the Edith & William Garrud"s Dojo, 1910-1911.

Edith & William Garrud"s demonstarte Jiu-Jitsu techniques in their Dojo, 1910-1911

Mary, 11th Duchess of Bedford, right, shows the 2nd position of the Shimoku defense as she practises Jujutsu with Emily Watts in the grounds of Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire, circa 1905.

Preparing a throw. Sparring in the Club Uyenishi at Aldershot. "Lady’s Realm Magazine". 1905.

Back arm lock. Sparring in the Club Uyenishi at Aldershot. "Lady’s Realm Magazine". 1905.

A couple practising Japanese Ju-jutsu techniques. 1906

Jiu-Jitsu presentation by the police on the Schlossplatz, Berlin. 1924

Mr. A.J. Morgan, an instructor at the Lee Jujitsu club, gives residents of Blackheath a free Jujitsu lesson and teaches them how to fend off attack, in the wake of the a local crime. Surrey, ca. 1950.

Photographs by "Jacolette" of two young women engaged in "jujutsu", an illustration to an article entitled "Self defense for Women", which appeared in "Health & Vim" magazine in May 1912. The woman on the floor was Miss Frances Weste, demonstrating martial arts techniques.
Photohistory Sussex

Jiu-Jitsu practiced by women. Effective self-defense against a knife attack by the lever of her arms, the girl can break the elber of her assailant. 1928, Berlin Germany
Natiolaal Archief

Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner show "The Hooligan and Lady", Advertisement, 1913. Florence LeMar (c. 1891-?) was a pioneering advocate of martial arts as women"s self defense. Her theatrical stage name was "Florence "Flossie" Le Mar, the Ju-Jitsu Girl"

Florence LeMar demonstrates a Jiu-Jitsu technique on her husband Joe

Edith Garrud (aged 94, in the year 1966) demonstrates a Jiu-Jitsu wrist lock on reporter Godfrey Winn.
Amazons of Edwardian London

Jiu-Jitsu expert Phyllis Boutell demonstrates how to get rid of a bag snatcher by means of a hip throw. 1935

Jiu-Jitsu experts Phyllis Boutell and Mr. C. Cawhell giving a demonstration of self defense techniques on Hampstead Heath in London. 1935

British Judo coach, Roy Inman "suffers" an agonising attack by Judo World champion Ann Hughes during a photo shoot for the self defense chapter of Inman"s "Judo for Women" book published by Crowood Press. 1986

Edit Garruth"s class. Most likely location would be the “Suffragettes Self defense Club”, which Edith had advertised in the "Votes for Women newspaper" in December of 1909. The club was based at Leighton Lodge in Edwardes Square, Kensington, which included a number of studios for classes in sculpture, painting and voice. The Suffragette self defense classes started at 7.00 p.m. each Tuesday and Thursday evening and cost 5s, 6d per month.

Emancipation boxing. Circa 1900s

Two ladies boxing: Beginning and Knockout, Circa 1895

A Suffragette struggling with a policeman on Black Friday 18 November 1910
Museum of London

Training of policewomen. "These were women who had not only had to face danger from crooks and thieves, but also ridicule from general members of the public and the chauvinist rantings of senior policemen who told them they ought to be at home in their kitchens.", Joan Lock, author of "The British Policewoman, history of women in the force"

Famous cartoon "The Suffragette that Knew Jiu-Jitsu. The Arrest." By Arthur Wallis Mills, originally published in 1910 in Punch and The Wanganui Chronicle.

A Suffragette skillfully throws down a policeman. Cartoon, 1910s
Museum of London

Museum of London

Sample of propaganda against women’s suffrage. 1910s
Museum of London

"Jiu-Jitsu as a Husband Tamer Suffragettes Play Against moral" Newspaper article in the secion "Health & Strength", April 1911
Comments to the the sketches (follow the numbers at top right of each sketch):
1. A real good counter and lock for right body-blow (swing or kidney punch).
2. Bill is top-dog, or thinks he is.
3. Bill is foiled by a knee-push when Liz straightens her right leg quickly. Bill will fall backwards, and Lizzie"s left foot prevents him recovering his balance.
4. Liz catches a hand-twist as Bill is getting up. Liz can take him anywhere she likes now.
5. Bill seizes a shovel from the fire-place and makes a final attempt to overcome his missus, but she runs in to get under the blow, and so loses its force. She has just turned, ready to take a hip throw.
6. The hip throw; the heaviest and last. Bill does not get up again until he has apologised to Liz.
7. Liz has securely tied both Bill"s legs, one acting as a wedge on which to wrench the other. She is just exclaiming: "Where"s that there skewer?" and she holds her husband fast until he taps the mat and halloos out "Enough!"
Bartitsu & Suffrage

"Safe from attack if you know Jiu-Jitsu"

Mr. Martin Roland and Miss Eva Quinn in the play "What Every Woman Ought to Know”. Daily Mirror, March 29, 1911
Emelyne Godfrey to lecture on Bartitsu and suffragette jiujitsu

Girls in Jiu-Jitsu actions. Grotesque photographs mocking women willing to train in martial arts. 1903
Titillating Spreads from 1903 Were Full of Girl-on-Girl Action

Upper: Hold with scissor on the foot and a nelson coming for a throw". Lower: Arm lock

Miss Blanche Whittney in actioins
Left: Using the left arm to block the attacker and break his/her arm.
Right: Crotch and body hold wich might be productive of a broken neck.
From an article in the Oregon Daily Journal (April 30, 1911) showcases the combative talents of Miss Blanche Whitney.
Miss Blanche Whitney the Worlds Champion-Lady Wrestler 1911

Miss Blanche Whittney in actioins
Left: Technique to break assailant"s arm with left knee. Right: Drop hold.
From an article in the Oregon Daily Journal (April 30, 1911) showcases the combative talents of Miss Blanche Whitney.
Miss Blanche Whitney the Worlds Champion-Lady Wrestler 1911

A girl pupil bringing off an effective stomach throw against a boy opponent. Wrestling matches at the Barking Abbey School, Essex, where both boys and girls have lessons in Jiu-Jitsu and take part in practice contests with each other. 1938

Twenty units of the "Amazon Defense Corps" have been trained by England"s Home Guard in preparation for a Nazi invasion, London, England, August 10, 1940.
Demonstration of Jiu-Jitsu at one of the members homes.

As the United States prepared for war, women were organized into volunteer home defense units like the Washington, D.C. Green Guards, shown here December 25, 1940.
Photo by Washington Area Spark

Pussy Galore throws down an attacker. From James Bond movie "", 1965
Honor Blackman’s Book of Self defense

Pussy Galore uses Jiu-Jistu techniques. From James Bond movie "Honor Blackman’s Book of Self defense", 1965
Honor Blackman’s Book of Self defense

Girls at Jiu-Jitsu in a London club - February 1928
Photo by Getty Images. Taken from

Jiu-Jitsu techniques sketches. Circa 1920s

History of fighting

This 1931 jujitsu demonstration in Germany aimed to show how a well-trained unarmed woman could defend herself against a would-be attacker. In this scenario, a rope tied across the road has caused her to stop her car and she is set upon by a man with a knife. She controls the knife hand and engages the assailant by grabbing his throat before taking him to the floor with a throw.
History of fighting

Girls at the University of Chicago learn Jiu-jitsu, Jan 29 1943
Vintage Everyday

“Up and over-Carol Tegner flips student Allen Smith, 18, of Pacoima, in spectacular over-the-shoulder throw in demonstration for students at school she operates with her brother Bruce. Their parents, too, are judo teachers.” Photograph caption dated July 17, 1956
Valley Times Collections

"Jiu-Jitsu waltz" performed by famous singer and actress Gaby Deslys and S. K. Eida in “The New Aladdin.” in London, 1907
The Jiu-Jitsu Waltz

History by Zim

Keeping a man “in his place”. A Women’s Auxiliary Air Force member demonstrates self-defense on January 15, 1942.
History by Zim

A woman throwing a man during a Jiu-Jitsu session. Circa 1940

На мой взгляд, главными преимуществами от занятий Бразильским Джиу-Джитсу (BJJ) для девочек и девушек являются: здоровье (хорошая физическая форма), уверенность в себе, а так же умение защитить себя.

Уверен, что многие зададутся вопросом: "Но позвольте, разве подобные единоборства подходят для девушек и уж тем более для девочек, не лучше ли, к примеру, пойти на фитнес или танцы? ".

Я не буду писать свое мнение, поскольку многие сочтут его не совсем объективным в следствии того, что, во-первых, я мужчина, а во-вторых изучаю боевые искусства уже более 20 лет, из них Бразильское Джиу-Джитсу около девяти лет. В качестве ответа я лучше приведу цитату одной женщины, которая отдала свою девятилетнюю дочь на Бразильское джиу-джитсу …

"Моей дочке 9 лет, она учится на отлично. Помимо того, что она самая умная и самая красивая девочка во вселенной (как без сомнения считает любой родитель), она также от природы очень творческий и энергичный человек. В свободное время, она любит играть с куклами, читать ужастики, а также шить. Ей нравятся мальчики, что лично для меня, как для мамы, абсолютно новая территория. Часто она проводит часы заплетая свои волосы, или меняя наряды по шесть раз за час. Иными словами, она занята тем же самым, чем и все остальные ее сверстницы!

Тем не менее, три дня в неделю, она вместе с ее младшим братом надевает Ги (Кимоно для борьбы), и присоединяется к большой группе детей, которые занимаются в студии по изучению бразильского джиу-джитсу. В течение полу часа она бегает, кувыркается, делает «колеса» , и выполняет всевозможные упражнения, прежде чем перейти к основной тренировке – разучиванию приемов самозащиты, в конце которой она участвует в т.н. «роллинге» - борется с мальчиками и девочками всех размеров и возрастов.

Временами ее преподаватели бывают жесткими – но дети должны иметь самообладание и быть дисциплинированными. На занятиях нет места истерикам, тасканию друг друга за волосы, крикам и прочему. Все происходит в атмосфере строгости, но вместе с тем и взаимного уважения между ребятами и учителем.

Вы спросите меня, так почему же я позволяю, чтобы моя дочь участвовала в этом виде спорта, где каждое занятие ее приходится с кем-то бороться? Если ответить коротко - Потому что я Люблю ее, и я хочу, чтобы она была независимым и уверенным в себе человеком”.

От себя лишь могу добавить, что не смотря на всю гуманизацию общества и достижения цивилизации, этот мир может быть очень опасным для девочек, девушек и женщин…

Статистика показывает, что 1 из 5 девушек (в возрасте от 13 до 25) подвергалась сексуальному насилию в той или иной форме, и как правило со стороны знакомого ей человека (по данным NRC). В то время как масс-медиа увековечили с помощью фильмов миф о том, что в большинстве случаев девушки подвергаются нападению со стороны вооруженного незнакомца. Увы, но чаще всего насилие исходит от знакомых людей, как правило, в состоянии алкогольного опьянения.

P.S. Всегда лучше уметь защищаться и не нуждаться в этом, чем нуждаться и не уметь.

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